Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank goodness...

I went to see Dr. Ekman yesterday to get the results from my MRI. Prayers were answered, as I don't need surgery. He said it was the worst kind of MCL sprain you can have and a contusion and blood bubble at the thigh bone and MCL, all of which will heal in time. I still have to wear my brace for the next 2 weeks and for the next 4 to 6 months when doing anything rigorous. I am so happy that it wasn't worse. I feel better and know that it is healing everyday. Thanks for all the calls and well wishes, I felt them all!


LOLLY said...

So glad to hear the good news...Did you fall?

Charleston Laffin said...

Thanks! Nope, wish I had a really good story, but I did it pushing a heavy shopping cart and I heard it pop.

The Daniels said...

That is good news. You must of had a lot of grocery's!!