Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Searching and Researching

Lily has decided that she would like to take gymnastics. I have now taken it on myself to look into all of the facilities in our area and see which is the best "fit" for her. Who knew I had so many options! Next week she will take trial classes at 2 of the centers. I'll keep you posted on where and when she will start.

Travis left this morning for Texas and comes home on Friday. We can't wait for him to get back!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am so glad that today ended better than it started. This morning Athens, our Lab, went missing. He slept in the garage last night but some how managed to pull a Houdini and escaped. Travis spent all morning looking for him and talking to every neighbor, stranger, and service person, asking them to keep an eye out. We had to leave about 10:30 to take Charlie and Lily to the doctor for a well check up. With a well check comes shots. Ugh. Charlie got one and Lily got 3 plus her finger stuck. Good news is they are both perfectly healthy and thriving. Charlie is 25 pounds and 50% in height and weight and Lily is 38 pounds and 75% in height and weight. After the doctor I went on to work and Travis took the kids to Janet's. I was sick with worry, praying Athens would return home safely. When Travis got home, Athens was here like he was waiting on him. This evening we were to exhausted to do anything in the way of cooking so off to BK to let the kids eat and play.

Now everyone is in bed and sleeping and I am finally relaxing, for now....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th is suppose to be bad luck and if you count that I'm home sick, feeling crummy, well then it is. But, the way I see it, it's a great day. I have the 4 most important people in the world home with me, happy and excited about a weekend together.

Travis brought home Valentine's Day surprises and cupcakes for everyone. I think today is wonderful and not bad luck at all!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009





Pictures taken Sunday afternoon.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday Mass

Yesterday we attended our regular 11:00 am Mass and it went OK for the first 20 minutes until Charlie decided he no longer wanted to be a silent participant. And like most Sundays Travis quietly took him out. The two later came back in for communion and for the rest of the service. Chancellor and Travis left right after to go get a doughnut and juice from the hall then head home because Chancellor had baseball practice. Lily, Charlie and myself stayed behind to receive the blessing of St. Blaise. While waiting in line to receive our blessing I was explaining to Lily that Father Bob was going to hold a candle (not burning of course) up to our throat and say a special prayer for each of us. I told her not to say anything except for Amen after the blessing. She said, "OK mommy." When it came to be our turn, we stepped up and the comedy ensued. Lily immediately stuck up her hand as making the stop sign and said, "Father Bob, wait, wait, wait! Can you please bless Bubby too?" Bubby is Lily's rabbit "lovey" that she has had since birth. Of course Father is rolling in the floor, the Deacon who was beside him stopped blessing some poor family and was laughing out loud as were the 75 people around us. So Lily held Bubby high in the air with a big satisfied smile and the three, I mean, four of us received a blessing. Afterwords, Father Bob got down on one knee and said, "Lily, I can promise you Bubby will never get a sore throat from here on out." As we exited the church it was to the sounds of "Bless her heart", "How precious" and "Wasn't that the cutest thing you have ever seen?"