Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter and Everything After

We had a great Easter weekend and hope everyone in "blog land" did as well! Saturday we went to the church Easter egg hunt. I have an adorable picture of Charlie in the Easter Bunny's lap, but Lily would have nothing to do with that. She loves giant, stuffed animals from a far, but get any closer and she has a mini-melt down. She recovered enough from that trauma to participate in the egg hunt. Sunday we were off to lake Greenwood to have Easter lunch with my grandparents and extended family. My children may be the most spoiled kids in the world. All total, they each got 6 Easter baskets! It seemed like every time I turned around someone had something for them.

Fast forward to yesterday. I had to pick Lily up from Janet's around lunch because she was running a high fever. We went to see Dr. Cope and found out it is either strep throat or a viral throat infection. She had two negative test at his office but he seems to think that she is giving a false negative and had his office send the swab out for culture. We will know something on Friday. In the meantime it's fever and throwing up. I didn't know strep could make you do that but apparently it can.

Travis and I have a wedding to go to Friday night (if Lily doesn't get worse) and I am really looking forward to a date with my sweet husband! We are not going to make the Cup this year. That's a first for me in 15 years! I even go when I'm pregnant. This weekend we have team baseball pictures for Chancellor and so much going on we decided to skip it. Anyway, that's all for now.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All Grown Up

Lily is "officially" all grown up now. Yesterday she was playing in the den and the TV was on. During the commercial break she sees some toy that she wants and she turns to me and says, I have a great idea! I said, what? She said I'm going to give you my pappy (her pacifier that she only has to sleep with) and we can send it up to the babies in heaven and then I will be a big girl and you can buy me that toy! I told her I though that was a great idea. So she goes and gets pappy, kisses it and put it in her mouth one last time and said now you can go be with the babies in heaven. It was so sweet I wanted to cry. (The whole send it up to heaven thing came from an idea I had after seeing a kid send something up in a balloon so I figured when Lily decided to finally give it up, we could send it up attached to balloons.) So when she went down for a nap I was cautiously optimistic but she did fine. When Travis got back from Georgia last night he had his big girl a special surprise. It was a Diego submarine and octopus, she loved it! At bed time I was a little more unsure of how she would do. She talked and sang in her room for over an hour but she finally went to sleep. I couldn't believe she didn't change her mind and want it back. This morning she told me that that the babies in heaven have her pappy and she is their angel now.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Irish Blessings!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another First

Today I took Lily to the dentist for the first time. She is 3 and while most of my friends took their kids when they were around two, I knew what was in store for me and was putting it off as long as I could. When we got there she was just as calm as could be. She played and made small talk with the other children in the waiting area. I thought, hey, maybe she will do fine. Wrong. As soon as the hygienist came to the door and called Lily's name, she melted to the floor, screaming, I don't want to have my teeth cleaned! I could have died. No amount of reasoning,begging, or negotiating calmed her. I had to hold her while she had her x-rays (while she screamed), she laid on top of me while they cleaned her teeth (and screamed) and while the dentist looked in her mouth. As soon as it was over, she sat up, smiled and said, that wasn't bad at all. I in the mean time am a disheveled mess. I was sweating, literally. She immediately went into the Lily we all know and love. Telling jokes, smiling, saying thank you to everyone. I wanted to EAT MY YOUNG! As I am staggering to the door (with visions of margaritas dancing in my head) she says, thanks so much for taking me to the dentist and loving me mommy. And that my friends, is what it's all about. Being a mom can be one of the most trying jobs on earth and often with little or no praise, but when we have special moments like that, it makes the world stop and you feel so very, very blessed and not near as tired as you thought.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The mind of a child...

The other night I was sitting on the couch nursing Charlie when Lily walked over and said, Mommy, is your tummy milk chocolate or plain? I said, plain and she said, oh, OK.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Praying in the Rain

If you know Lily, you know that she isn't a fan of anything that makes loud or sudden noises. So last night during the storms, she started to get a little nervous about all of the thunder. She kept asking me about it and I kept trying to reassure her that there was nothing to be afraid of. As they got closer and the thunder started to literally shake the house, I asked her if she wanted to say a prayer and maybe that would make her feel better and she said yes. So we held hands and said a Hail Mary. Just as soon as we finished, lightning lit up the sky and I knew the thunder would soon follow. Well it did and it was the loudest so far, Lily's eyes got really big and she said, Mommy, I think we need to get the prayer water! (meaning the holy water) After blessing ourselves she seemed to feel much better. Funny enough, the storms ended almost immediately after. I think that children's prayers are heard the loudest, even over the thunder.

Monday, March 3, 2008

On The Move!

We are mobile! Oh lord, not sure if I'm thrilled or scared! :)
He started semi-crawling about a week ago and has since advanced to full on go mode! I can not believe my baby is crawling, time goes by so fast. He is such a little man and I love him dearly. Maybe now he can escape the "Lily Monster"!

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