Friday, August 29, 2008

About last night...

While a win is a win, last nights gamecock victory didn't feel so great. The team looked unorganized and clueless much of the night. I thought defense did a fair job, and Smelley looked much better than Beecher. I was hoping to be blown away and dazzled, oh well. I hope our team "shows up" at Vandy as Travis would say. As far as tomorrow goes, I'd just like to say two words....................ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Tomorrow night is the big night, can you feel it???!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOO COCKS! Can't believe it's finally here! I'm so excited! If anyone needs me on Thursday evening, I'll be jumping up and down on my couch, covering my mouth as not to wake up the sleeping babies....... :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lots and lots to tell....

First, I would like to say welcome to two special little people. Congratulations to Jamie and Lori Frost on the birth of Charleston Julia. Travis and I went to meet her and she is so beautiful, and her parents are beaming. (and don't ya just love her name???!!!)
Another congrats to Larry and Marlo Bergin on the birth of Lukas Edward. I have seen pictures of the handsome guy and spoken with the parents who are just over the moon! Congratulations again to you both!

Happy belated birthday to my mom who turned 32 on Saturday! ; ) We spent last week and weekend with my parents at their mountain home and celebrated her birthday with a big cocktail party Saturday night. We had so much fun! Travis and I especially enjoyed getting to know Brandon and Charis Gravley. We had so much fun together and became fast friends. Charis and I are already planning on having our birthday celebration together as our birthdays are only a few days apart. Speaking of, poor Brandon, I'm taking him jewelry shopping for Charis. Hehehe.

Chancellor's baseball team took 2nd place in their tournament this past weekend. He and the entire team were so excited! We are so proud of him.

Lily is continuing to be the boss at the Laffin residence. While she can be a little demanding (she gets that from her father) she is a huge help to me. She seems to appreciate our alone time all the more now and is constantly telling me how much she loves me.

Charlie is working on tooth number 4. Funny how we got all 4 teeth in 3 weeks! He has also learned how to nod yes and it is hilarious. It is a whole body nod when he does it. Today he is 13 months old, hard to believe.

Travis is away on business again and will be back on Friday afternoon. We all already miss him so much! He has been battling his bad ankle for about a week and a half now. It looks as if it is finally getting better, thanks goodness.

I think that is all, that's what I get for waiting so long to post! Love to all.....

Friday, August 15, 2008

I knew it was coming...

It was just a matter of time before it happened and last night it did. Lily, being of the best intentions, shared her buttermilk biscuit with extra butter with Charlie. I think I intercepted after only a few bites and managed to get what he had in his mouth out, but I'm not sure how much he actually got down. He ended up having a reaction with wheezing and coughing and a noise like he was trying to clear his throat. I was scared to death. After a large dose of benedryl he seemed to come around. Travis and I have told Lily a million times that she can never feed Charlie any food because a lot of foods could make him very sick. I asked her last night why she shared her biscuit and she said, mommy I didn't see any milk in it. I'm sure I'll look back in a few weeks and find the comedy in that but not quite yet. Fingers crossed that was the first and last time that ever happens!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Friday on the Lake

Last Friday our friends Karen and Greg Newman invited us to their lake house for the evening. We were fortunate enough to have my mother-in-law keep Charlie and Lily, so mommy and daddy could have a little "grown-up" time! We had so much fun. Greg and Karen are always the most gracious host. The company and the food could not have been better. The next morning waking up to the sun rising on the lake was beautiful. Thanks again guys for having us, we needed it!

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Could it be????????

Yes, it's a tooth! Charlie is cutting his first tooth! He may be 12 1/2 months old, none the less, we have a tooth! I can't believe it, I thought we were going to have to buy baby dentures! YEAH!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

12 Month Checkup

Yesterday Charlie went for his 12 month well exam and vaccinations. He weighed 20 lbs. 11 oz. and was 29 3/4 inches long. The weight puts him in the 25th percentile and the length at the 50th. He still hasn't cut a tooth, but that hasn't stopped him from eating anything. He's been walking for almost 2 months and says about 5 words that you can totally understand, the rest is baby jabber. Still no dairy until we try again at 15 months. 3 yucky shots, but mommy and some soy milk calmed him right down. Lily went with us and secretly enjoyed not being on the receiving end of the needle for once.

Waiting for daddy

The children and I are so excited that Travis is coming home today from a week in Texas. Lily misses his so much when he's away.

Tommorow is Chancellor's 10th birthday! I can not believe that he's going to be 10!!! He asked me to make him his favorite meal, homemade mexican and for dessert he wants a choclate cake with choclate icing. (Sounds like my cravings during certain times of the month!)