Saturday, May 31, 2008

Oh My!

So right now I'm on the couch after an amazing dinner of steak and shrimp, grilled asparagus, mushrooms and onions, listening to my husband clean the kitchen. My mom came by this afternoon and took Lily home with her and Charlie has been in bed since 6:00. I think I'm in heaven and this cold glass of chardonnay is sweeter second only to that amazing guy in my kitchen. Eat your hearts out girlie's....... :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

What a great weekend! On Friday night Lily went with her daddy to Chancellor' s baseball game. He pitched the whole game and they won! Travis was beaming and said Chancellor and the entire team played their heart out and deserved the win.

On Saturday afternoon our dear friends, Jody and Dawn came over with Olivia and Rolland. Olivia and Lily had so much fun playing together and Charlie was fascinated with Rolland, I think he liked having another baby around. ;0 We had a great dinner and then Travis and I lost all of our hard earned money to Jody & Dawn playing poker. It was long overdue, since Trav and I have cleaned house the last few times we played.

On Sunday we went to Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi and then on to the church picnic. It was AMAZING! The kids enjoyed all the cotton candy, snow cones and lemonade. We really are lucky to be part of such a wonderful church family. That afternoon, our neighbors Mike and Tammy and their daughter Adrianna came over to play and have dinner with us.

Memorial Day was fun. We spent the day with the kids playing in the new pools and back yard. I was so happy to have everyone together under one roof for 4 whole days! I can't wait to do it again soon!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hammock Time

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fine, and you?

I'm back, sorry! It has been a crazy couple of weeks.

Let's see, Travis is away, AGAIN, and it looks like he will be gone quite a bit in the next few months. As hard as it is to be apart and as much as I miss him I am so proud of his work ethic and his desire to a good job. The children really miss him and Lily ask if he is coming home everyday.

I have about 7 more weeks with Charlie before he will go to Janet full time with his big sister. When I think about it, I get a gigantic lump in my throat. I know I am incredibly blessed to be able to keep him with me the first year, but it's never enough. I was hoping that with the 2ND it would get easier, well, it doesn't.

Lily continues to be the comedian in my life. Not a day goes by that she doesn't do or say something priceless. Today she was playing over at my parent's house when she called out to my mom to come outside, because she had a situation! What does a three year old know about having a situation??!!