Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bewitching, don't ya think?

Last night Lily tried on the witch hat she begged to buy so I could wear it on Halloween. You see, Lily is going to be a black cat and she wanted me to be the black cat's witch. I tried to explain to her that mommy doesn't need a hat or costume to go as a witch, but she just couldn't get it. I think daddy could.... ; )
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

On the farm

Last Saturday we spent the afternoon at Harmon's in Lexington. The kids had a great time on the haunted hayride and going through the corn maze. The picture of Lily covering her mouth was pretty much the position she kept while on the haunted hayride, which was not all that haunted. After our big day, we came home and made homemade pizza which the kids had a blast doing. We seem to be so busy all the time, so having a slow paced afternoon with the people you love most was wonderful.

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Friday, October 3, 2008



All the best to my best friend, and her wonderful, charming fiancee' Grant!

We love you, Aunt Stevie!
Travis, Charleston, Chancellor, Lily and Charlie
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Counting down the hours

Everyone at the Laffin household is counting down to Travis' return! He has been in Texas for the past week. I'm not sure if mommy or the little people are more excited!
He may be gone every other week, be we never get used to him being away from us. Hurry home DADDY!

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