Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fingers Crossed

Last Thursday I hurt my left knee and thought it would heal on it's own. After a few days of increasing pain, I ended up in the ER at 7 am Sunday morning. They put me in a leg stabilizer, gave me some vicodin (which I can't even take) and told me to follow up with my orthopedist. Today I went to the doctor and was told, best case, I have a bad knee sprain and compressed medial meniscus. Worse case I tore my MCL and meniscus and need surgery. I have a MRI tomorrow and another appointment with Dr. Eckman on Thursday afternoon. I have my fingers crossed that it's nothing. I've never had any type of surgery and am pretty nervous about anesthesia. I let everyone know how it goes. Hoping for the best.....


LOLLY said...

Sending a prayer your way..Hope it isn't serious enough for surgery and I hope you feel better soon!

The Daniels said...

I will be thinking about you. Surely it is just a sprain!!!