Thursday, April 3, 2008

Family & Hair (you know the important stuff!)

So I cut ALL of my hair off on Tuesday, without reason or warning. I am going to post a pic as soon as I can take one that I like. She did an amazing job on the cut, it's just getting used to it now. It is so funny how other people have such an opinion on hair that doesn't belong to them. Overall, I have had positive reviews.

The past three days Travis has had Charlie during the day. I can definitely say, I have a "keeper" when it comes to my husband! He has been taking video of Charlie and showed it to me last night. I love my boys and I love, love that my husband wants to spend time with his children. Strange that I have to even write that, but all too often father's don't take the initiative to make time for their children.

Chancellor had his opening baseball game Tuesday night and while they didn't win, he did a great job. We are so proud of his athletic abilities and drive. I love watching him grow now a days. He is becoming quite the little man.

A funny Lily story. The other night at the dinner table she told me she had been doing some thinking and had decided that she doesn't want to be called Lily anymore, from now on it's Jenkins the Butler! I have NO idea who or where this comes from but I could have died laughing. She really is the light of my life. By the way, we are back to being called Lily again. ;)


LOLLY said...

I can't wait to see your hair...Mine has been growing and growing..not sure why....But, I love doing different things with it on a whim...Maybe a cut soon.....

The Daniels said...

Hurry up with that picture!!!