Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The last few weeks I have not been feeling too great, as I have had a lot of stomach pain and nausea. Last week I saw a gastroenterologist who felt that I had either a problem with my gall bladder or a stomach ulcer. On Friday I went for a complete abdominal ultrasound. I am waiting for those results as I type this. The lab made a mistake with my blood work and may possibly need me to come back for some more samples. Ugh. It took 12 sticks to get what they got the first time because I was so dehydrated. They even tried getting blood from the veins in my feet. That experience alone was enough to give me an ulcer!

On Thursday morning I am have a endoscopy procedure. They put me to sleep and put a camera down my throat into my stomach and upper intestine to look and see if I have some issue causing my pain. Once again I believe the anticipation of the procedure will give me an ulcer.

I know that I have a tremendous amount of stress in my life right now and that stress makes people sick. I am hoping that they can get to the root of my problem, diagnose and treat it. It's not a fun way to go about life. I am fortunate to have a loving, supportive, catch of a husband to take care of me and our children. He is an earth angel and I'm lucky to not go at this alone. I'll keep you posted on the results.


April said...
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LOLLY said...

Hope you are feeling better..
I hear those tests are no fun..My Dad just had them all as well.
I am a slack blogger, but I do pop over to catch up..The story of Lily and Church was really sweet and funny!