Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a hello

Just a quick hello to all my blog readers. Not too terribly much happening at the Laffin home. For my out of state readers (HEY GUYS!) the weather is wacky. Last week highs in the high 60's this week a projected low of 9. Travis is eating it up and thrilled because with cold weather, comes better duck hunting. Only two more weeks to go, and I think I will survive it. :) Travis is leaving next week for another trip to Texas and as always, I know I'll be missing him.

A little update on me, yesterday was my first day as the SCPF's newest lobbyist. Besides being a mom, it's what I have always wanted to do so it has been such an exciting time. Today is day 2 and I find myself pumped to go to work. WHO KNEW???!!!

The children are all doing great. Chance continues to be an all A student and general joy to be around. Lily seems to be going through a "Why does" or "Why is" period. I see her mind racing with questions and thoughts about the world and everything it and I know that right in front of my eyes she is growing up. Charlie, our sweet Charlie, he is 100% boy. He will be 18 months on the 26Th of this month and to date we still have 4, count them, 4 teeth. It does not stop him from eating. A few nights ago he ate 3 BBQ chicken legs, asparagus and alfredo in about 10 minutes. (can anyone say, little Travis) As much as I'm enjoying work right now, coming home to Travis and the children is still the best part of my day. Kisses!