Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lily's Birthday Party

Today was Lily's birthday party at Leapin Lizards. She had a great time and got to share her special day with so many of her friends. Thanks to everyone who came and for the super gifts, Lily loves them all! As you know, Lily's actual birthday is on Christmas and I am finding myself dreading that day. I can not believe that my little girl is going to be 3! It goes by so fast. I am really emotional about it. I wish I had time to write more since it has been a MONTH since my last post, but believe it or not, both of the little ones are napping at the same time! I'm off to do something constructive! Happy Holidays if I can't post before Christmas. Love to all!

PS..Birthday pics will be up next week, promise!


The Daniels said...

Sorry we missed it. Can't wait to see all of the pictures.