Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Well it finally happened. Sunday afternoon was spent at Lexington Urgent Care, getting stitches in Lily's forehead. We went to church that morning, came home and as I was changing Charlie's clothes, Lily fell in the hall, hitting her head on the corner of the door frame. The gash in her head didn't look that bad at first blush, but I knew she was going to need stitches to close it. When we got to urgent care, the doctor showed me how wrong I was, when I saw she was cut to the bone. We were praying for the painless, quick liquid stitches, but no luck. Lily was very upset and afraid but did amazing and I am so proud of her. The entire time she was getting the stitches, the doctor, nurses and myself were going on and on about how brave she was and what a great job she was doing and how proud we all were. On about the 3rd stitch, we were praising her and Lily said, "I'm not ding good, I'm being a JERK!" We all started laughing and telling her that she wasn't a jerk at all and it is OK to be afraid and to cry sometimes. :)

I'll take her back sometime over the weekend to have the stitches removed. Hopefully, this will be the last time.