Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am so glad that today ended better than it started. This morning Athens, our Lab, went missing. He slept in the garage last night but some how managed to pull a Houdini and escaped. Travis spent all morning looking for him and talking to every neighbor, stranger, and service person, asking them to keep an eye out. We had to leave about 10:30 to take Charlie and Lily to the doctor for a well check up. With a well check comes shots. Ugh. Charlie got one and Lily got 3 plus her finger stuck. Good news is they are both perfectly healthy and thriving. Charlie is 25 pounds and 50% in height and weight and Lily is 38 pounds and 75% in height and weight. After the doctor I went on to work and Travis took the kids to Janet's. I was sick with worry, praying Athens would return home safely. When Travis got home, Athens was here like he was waiting on him. This evening we were to exhausted to do anything in the way of cooking so off to BK to let the kids eat and play.

Now everyone is in bed and sleeping and I am finally relaxing, for now....