Thursday, September 25, 2008

So much fun!

Last Thursday was my 29Th birthday and we celebrated it at mom and dad's mountain house. It was such a special weekend! I got a beautiful ring from Travis and my 3 wonderful children, a very cool new digital camera from my parents and a bag full of fun stuff from my girlfriend Charis. We had a party on Saturday and when Travis and Chancellor drove up on Friday, they brought with them a dozen chocolate cupcakes from Chocolate Nirvana. Let me tell you, if I was going to the chair, I want those cupcakes as a last meal! We had so much fun going on golf chart rides and bear watching trips. Everything was perfect and while 29 is bittersweet, I can't think of a better way to celebrate my last birthday in my 20's.

The only glitch is that my kissing bandit husband (don't worry, it's a funny story) got everyone sick with his sore throat. He thought he was over it and no longer contagious when he arrived, but he still had the cooties. Since Sunday I have been in the bed. Charis got it and I have a picture to show why (HA HA) and now poor Chancellor is home in bed. Come to find out it's a viral strep throat infection and it stinks!

Now that I am feeling half way human again, I can really look forward to somethings. Like tonight is The Office premiere. Very excited about that. On Sunday we are going to my in-laws for my birthday celebration with that side of the family. MORE CAKE! :)

I hope everyone is doing well, I miss seeing so many of you. Until next time....

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The Daniels said...

Great pictures - Hey I wish I was turning 29 - I am turing 35 on Monday - YIKES!!!!