Friday, October 12, 2007

This stuff never happens when Daddy's home...

This morning I was getting Charlie dressed and picking up a little before I left for work, when I noticed Lily was no where to be found. I found her in a corner picking her nose ( at my house we call it Clemson brain surgery) and I ask her if she needed to blow her nose and she said no mommy, I'm just trying to get this rubber band out. I almost had a stroke, sure enough she put a tiny rubber band up her nose! After a few minutes I got it out followed by a long lecture of we don't put anything in our nose. I just knew we were going to end up at the ER, thank goodness everything turned out OK. Never a dull moment........


The Daniels said...

I can totally relate - Patrick went through about a two week period where he put everything up his nose - the best was an M&M, he had orange coming out of his nose that entire day!!!