Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter and Everything After

We had a great Easter weekend and hope everyone in "blog land" did as well! Saturday we went to the church Easter egg hunt. I have an adorable picture of Charlie in the Easter Bunny's lap, but Lily would have nothing to do with that. She loves giant, stuffed animals from a far, but get any closer and she has a mini-melt down. She recovered enough from that trauma to participate in the egg hunt. Sunday we were off to lake Greenwood to have Easter lunch with my grandparents and extended family. My children may be the most spoiled kids in the world. All total, they each got 6 Easter baskets! It seemed like every time I turned around someone had something for them.

Fast forward to yesterday. I had to pick Lily up from Janet's around lunch because she was running a high fever. We went to see Dr. Cope and found out it is either strep throat or a viral throat infection. She had two negative test at his office but he seems to think that she is giving a false negative and had his office send the swab out for culture. We will know something on Friday. In the meantime it's fever and throwing up. I didn't know strep could make you do that but apparently it can.

Travis and I have a wedding to go to Friday night (if Lily doesn't get worse) and I am really looking forward to a date with my sweet husband! We are not going to make the Cup this year. That's a first for me in 15 years! I even go when I'm pregnant. This weekend we have team baseball pictures for Chancellor and so much going on we decided to skip it. Anyway, that's all for now.


The Daniels said...

I can't believe yall are missing the cup. But ya know kids and their activities are so much more important. We'll miss seeing yall,

LOLLY said...

You made a wise choice, let's just say COLD and RAINY......You were lucky to be somewhere else!