Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Praying in the Rain

If you know Lily, you know that she isn't a fan of anything that makes loud or sudden noises. So last night during the storms, she started to get a little nervous about all of the thunder. She kept asking me about it and I kept trying to reassure her that there was nothing to be afraid of. As they got closer and the thunder started to literally shake the house, I asked her if she wanted to say a prayer and maybe that would make her feel better and she said yes. So we held hands and said a Hail Mary. Just as soon as we finished, lightning lit up the sky and I knew the thunder would soon follow. Well it did and it was the loudest so far, Lily's eyes got really big and she said, Mommy, I think we need to get the prayer water! (meaning the holy water) After blessing ourselves she seemed to feel much better. Funny enough, the storms ended almost immediately after. I think that children's prayers are heard the loudest, even over the thunder.


The Daniels said...

That is so sweet!!!