Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hi Strangers!

So sorry about my blogging absence, but it has been a crazy few months. Needless to say I'm back! Hope everyone is well and I can't wait to catch up. A few new pics of Lily and Prince Charles. The 2nd pic is the restraining device Travis made to keep Charlie's hands out of his mouth during meals. His mother, better know as me, has discontinued the use of this harness. ;)

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LOLLY said...

Welcome Back! We have missed you! The pictures are too cute!
But, I am glad the harness isn't being used...where's the fun if Charlie can't make a big ole' mess while he eats!!! HA HA

The Daniels said...

I was wondering where you were. That is so funny Greg is sitting here with me and he is laughing as hard as I am.