Friday, June 27, 2008


Just wanted to post two new pictures of the little ones. These were taken two weeks ago while vacationing at my parents mountain house. I'll post some silly ones in the next few days. Have a great weekend!

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

From Monday till now

As most of you know, Monday was Charlie's first day with Janet. I would like to tell you that we both did fine, but I would be lying. He cried all day (so did I) and would hardly eat (neither could I). Tuesday was a little better. Wednesday morning he was crying for me as I was walking out the door and that just killed me. Later on he did much better and really began to bond with baby Hannah who is 8 months old (Charlie is 11 months old today). She is a sweet, sweet baby and while she is 3 months behind him, she is about 5 pounds ahead of him! :) Everyday gets a little easier and picking both of them up in the afternoon gets sweeter and sweeter.

Lily on the other hand, has started having TERRIBLE separation anxiety, and she has never had this problem before. I think this week has thrown her off and at 3 years old, she can't really sort out all of these changes at once. She had a meltdown of biblical proportions this morning after I left and Travis had to go get her and take her home. I think that Travis' absence from home due to his work out of state compounds the issue. I'm glad they have a day at home together, just the two of them. Here's to only blue skys ahead....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emotions running high....

This coming Monday, Charlie will be joining his sister everyday at Janet's. I am extremely emotional about it and am dreading it. It's never easy leaving your babies. I know that I am blessed to have such a wonderful caregiver for my children, but that doesn't negate the anxiety and emotions I am struggling with. I thought it would get easier with the next baby and well, it doesn't. It seems more difficult with Charlie because of all that we have been through these last 11 months. He is also much more attached to me and has way more separation anxiety than Lily ever did. Lily is my love the one your with, child. She has never met a stranger and can adapt to any situation very quickly. Charlie is a mama's boy 100% and looks for me around every corner. I'm the one who knows what his cries mean. I know the right way to put him down for naps. I know how to turn his tears in to smiles. Throw in his food allergy and I just get a little beside myself. I know that it will end up being fine and the first week or so will be tough, but my head is having a hell of a time explaining that to my heart.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pardon Me...

but you wouldn't happen to have any Grey Poupon?
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mollie Grace's Party

Last Sunday we celebrated Mollie Grace's 1st birthday. She really enjoyed the yummy birthday cake her mommy made her. I also go a chance to go over to Emily and Trey's to see the new addition and it looks great. I can't wait to see it when it's all done. Once again, Happy Birthday sweet Mollie Grace!

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank goodness...

I went to see Dr. Ekman yesterday to get the results from my MRI. Prayers were answered, as I don't need surgery. He said it was the worst kind of MCL sprain you can have and a contusion and blood bubble at the thigh bone and MCL, all of which will heal in time. I still have to wear my brace for the next 2 weeks and for the next 4 to 6 months when doing anything rigorous. I am so happy that it wasn't worse. I feel better and know that it is healing everyday. Thanks for all the calls and well wishes, I felt them all!


A happy belated birthday to my niece, Mollie Grace who turned 1 on June 4Th. We have her birthday party this Sunday and we are very excited about celebrating her special day with her!

And happy birthday to Mimi! We are also going to celebrate with Travis' mom on Sunday. We hope you have a great day today.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fingers Crossed

Last Thursday I hurt my left knee and thought it would heal on it's own. After a few days of increasing pain, I ended up in the ER at 7 am Sunday morning. They put me in a leg stabilizer, gave me some vicodin (which I can't even take) and told me to follow up with my orthopedist. Today I went to the doctor and was told, best case, I have a bad knee sprain and compressed medial meniscus. Worse case I tore my MCL and meniscus and need surgery. I have a MRI tomorrow and another appointment with Dr. Eckman on Thursday afternoon. I have my fingers crossed that it's nothing. I've never had any type of surgery and am pretty nervous about anesthesia. I let everyone know how it goes. Hoping for the best.....