Friday, September 28, 2007


Congratulations to my nephew Jake on his first deer! Aunt Emily sent me some pictures of the the great hunter and I couldn't tell who was beaming more, Jake or Trey.

A good luck shout out to the Gamecocks! I told Lily she gets to wear her Gamecock cheer leading uniform tomorrow and after she said YES!!!!, then she said stinky ol' tigers. That's our girl!

Monday is Charlie's two month check up and first round of shots. I'm already feeling bad for the little guy. Every time Lily would get vaccinations, I would cry, so I imagine it will be deja' vu. Travis always goes and says, poor mommy. :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I took these pictures this morning while Charlie and Travis where hanging out in the bed. This is the first time I have captured his smile on camera! I think he is looking more and more like his daddy everyday, but he is a total mama's boy.

In other Charlie news, he is doing so much better since we have eliminated all the dairy and by-products from my diet. Today marks one week and the doctor said it would take a week to ten days to see the full effects of the change. I think I have adjusted well to it and look forward to Charlie continuing to thrive and feel better. Life is good. :)

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Wee Bit Busy...

I know, I'm finally posting! So much has been happening that I will try and give a brief run down. Charlie is 8 weeks old today and weighs 12 lbs. 9 oz. and 23 in. He smiles and coos when you talk to him and tries his best to talk back. He rolls over both ways believe it or not and has been doing so for at least a month! For those of you who don't know, he was diagnosed with acid reflux and on Tuesday after seeing a pediatric gastroentrologist, we found out that he has a milk protein allergy. Since I breastfeed him, I have to eliminate all dairy from my diet as well as all citrus and tomatoes and tomato based products for the reflux. Needless to say, it is a dramatic lifestyle change. You don't realize how many foods contain dairy or dairy by-products until you can't have them. I can't even have a caffeine free coke (my favorite) because it has caramel color in it and that is a dairy by-product! Who knew!!?? It has been a little bit depressing but at least we now know what has been making our little guy feel so bad and how to fix it.

Tuesday was my birthday, 28, I can't believe two more years until the big 3-0! Speaking of birthdays, my adorable niece Sadie, turned 3 on the 13Th. Aunt Ashley had a wonderful Strawberry Shortcake party for her this past Sunday. Lily and Chancellor had so much fun playing with Sadie, Jake, Will, Mac, Blake and the biggest kid of all, Uncle Ben. In other birthday news, my nephew Jake, turned 7 on September 3rd and got a really cool dirt bike. It makes Aunt Cha Cha a bit nervous to see him zooming around on it, but I admit, he looks like the coolest dude! ;)

Travis was in Texas for about 8 days with work and oh my goodness, I missed his help! I have to take this opportunity to thank him for all of his support and help these last two months. I couldn't have done it with out you. Watching you father our children reminds me why I married you and I fall in love all over again. I adore and appreciate you more than you will ever know!

Chancellor is quite our little, or should I say big, athlete. As you recall he was playing baseball all stars and now we are on to football. Everyone says he is a little Travis, and though he may not realize that yet, that is quite the compliment. Speaking about football, how about them Gamecocks!!?? Remember, I'm married to the ORIGINAL GEORGIA FAN, making the win all the more sweet!

Monday was my first day back to work and with Travis' morning help, the transition hasn't been that painful. Charlie has adjusted well to coming to work at the "hen house". What man wouldn't like 3 women catering to his every whim? :)

I know I'm forgetting a million things, but I promise to post when I can remember them. I hope everyone in "blogland" is well!