Monday, August 6, 2007

A few pictures

Here are a few pictures of Charlie. I'll try and post some more in the next day or so. I'm typing one handed, as I am holding a certain someone at the moment. Sorry so brief...
Love to all!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I am pleased to announce that Charles Faulkner Laffin was born Thursday night at 8:36, weighing a petite 9 lbs. 10 oz. and 21 inches long. The last time I posted was Thursday after a very uneventful doctors appointment. Dr. Salley really felt like it would be another week before Charlie would be born. Well I went back to work for a while and then on to lunch with Travis, mom and the girls from the office. I wasn't feeling quite right all day and had even mentioned to my mom and Travis before my doctors appointment that I thought today was the day but shrugged it off. Around 1:00 pm I decided to go home because I was really tired. On the way home I had three contractions about 7 minutes apart. I got home and laid down for about an hour or so but never went to sleep because of the contractions. Keep in mind that the whole time I was having contractions I was telling myself that I wasn't having contractions. I seem to go into a state of denial in early labor. Around 4:00 my mom and dad came over to get Lily in case this was it, and I still wasn't "sure" that it was. Well when my water broke in front of mom and Travis that pretty much sealed the deal, so we called Dr. Salley. Dr. Salley said considering how fast I had Lily, I should come on to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 6:00 pm and went to Labor and Delivery. Upon arrival we were informed that there were no rooms available and we would have to wait about 25 minutes for one to be cleaned. Happy we were not and at this point I was having really strong contractions every 3 minutes, lasting about a minute and a half. So after waiting for a while we went to check on the status of a room and were told that now there we no rooms at all and we would have to wait until one was vacant. Right. After trying to explain to them that my water had broken at home and I really thought I was getting close they offered me a seat in the hallway and promised me that we would get the first room that opened up. Two hours later I was finally in a room. Dr. Salley came in at that time and upon looking at me he said I bet she is 9 centimeters. I was, exactly. That was the first time I was checked since arriving at the hospital. After a few minutes of everyone running around getting set up for the delivery, it was time. After 2 very long minutes of pushing, really it was because he got stuck, Charlie was born. Beautiful and perfect. While laboring in the hallway wasn't exactly what I had planned for, the experience really was amazing. I wanted to have another natural childbirth like I did with Lily and it doesn't get any more natural than the way I had Charlie. No drugs, no IV, no monitoring, nothing. Travis was the most amazing man. He was so strong and supportive, he really kept me sane. Dr. Salley was great and said after the birth that he doesn't remember many of his deliveries because there are so many, but he would never forget mine, as I was the toughest chick he'd ever met. :) Afterwards our families and Stephanie all got to come in the delivery room with us and take pictures and meet our new little guy. Everyone was blown away at how big he was. So fast forwarding to now, all is wonderful. Charlie is doing great and at his first doctors appiontment on Monday he weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz. Lily and Chancellor adore him as do we. He is such a sweet baby. I promise to post pictures soon. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I can't wait for everyone to meet him.